Rajasthan Travel Guide

Terah Taali

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Terah Taali is one of the folk dances of the princely state, Rajasthan. This folk dance is performed by the Kamada tribes who are traditional snake charmers. Besides this it is also performed by the tribes of Mirasi, Bhand, Dholi, Bhat and Nat. It is also practiced by Pokhran and Deedwana, to honour their folk hero, Baba Ramdeo, it consists of women sitting on the floor before his image.

Terah Taali Dance is generally performed by well skilled artists. Thirteen manjeeras ( little brass disc) are tied to various parts of their body, which they strike with the ones they hold in their hand. This creates a rhythm on which the dancers move. The dancers perform various arabesques with their hands and the same time may also also balance pots on their hands and hold a sword in their mouth, for making the performance more attractive. The dance begin with the women, who sit on the floor and her body parts are tied with the manjeeras. These are tied on their wrists, elbows, waists, arms and a pair in their hands as well and her accompanists chants slowly in rhythm.

About Terah Taali Dance

Terah Taali Dance is one of the complex as well as an excellent folk dance of Rajasthan. The Thirteen cymbals used in the different body parts of the female dancer is magnificent scene to watch. The way the dancer matches the swinging manjeeras with the rhythm of the background music is a beauty. The Manjeeras and other metallic discs, used in the Terah Taali dance are made of bronze, brass, copper and zinc. Often a swords is also used by the professional Terah Taali dancer and also a pot on her to make the dance more attractive. Male artists sings local Rajasthani folk songs as a background music and play different instruments like pakhwaja, dholak jhanjhar, sarangi, harmonium etc.

Terah Taali Dance Celebrations

The dancers perform various arabesques, while doing this, and for more special effects and for capturing the public gaze, at times the women also balance numerous pots on their hands and hold a sword in their mouth. Their balancing act spellbinds the viewers. When the tempo of the music increases its a beauty to watch Terah Taali Dance. In festive occasion, sometime in marriages also Terah Taali dance performance can be seen. The government has taken all necessary measures to revive this fast dying tradition of folk dance. Many non government organizations are also taking active role in the promotion of this folk culture. This artistic folk dance is promoted in different part of India as well as overseas also.

Terah Taali

Terah Taali

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2 Responses to “Terah Taali”

Susam Says

Sir or mam plez plez plez I want to learn this art form plez help me where I could learn this art form plez help me

Santo Says

Put clear images