Disaster Management And Relief Department, Rajasthan
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Relief department is a permanent department of the state administration which is functioning under the Commissioner and Secretary, Relief Department. Head office of the department is of state level and has no subordinate offices or branch. Relief work and activities are being carried out by different departments / organisations like P.W.D., forest department, soil conservation department, PHED, Panchayati Raj Department, Revenue Department, local bodies etc. District collectors and district level officers of other organisation act as administrative, technical controlling and coordinating officers in their districts and the expenditure occurred in executing the process is born by this department.
Rajasthan SDM History
Relief Department came into existence vide state ordinance dated 24.10.1951 to establish the office of the Relief Commissioner. Before this the relief work was carried out by a branch under the Revenue Department. Famine code pertaining to the relief work was prepared on 30.04.1962 and accordingly the work started. Food and Relief Department was jointly working till 1964 and in the end of year 1964 both the department were separated and Relief Department came into existence separately. In the year 1963-64 and 1964-65 the state faced severe drought which resulted enlarged establishment of the department.
Keeping in the view the damages affected by the cyclone in the past few years in Gujarat the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has issued the directions to all the states to rename the Relief Department as Disaster Management and Relief Department. On receipting the directions by the State Government the name of Relief Department was changed to DM & Relief Department w.e.f. 30.10.2003.
Rajasthan SDM Vison
A paradigm shift, from the traditional relief centric approach to a proactive prevention, mitigation and preparedness-driven approach by capacity building of all stakeholders and mainstreaming Disaster Management (DM) into developmental plans & programmes to make Rajasthan a disaster resilient state.
Rajasthan SDM Plolicy Aim
- Promoting a culture of prevention, preparedness and resilience at all levels through knowledge, innovation and education.
- To take up all possible preventive and mitigating measures before occurrence of disasters so that the developmental gains are not lost and the damage to life, livelihood and property is minimum.
- Developing infrastructure and basic resources through long term planning of developmental works in vulnerable areas to reduce the risk of disasters.
For About Rajasthan SDM : Click Here
Check SDRF/ NDRF Norms for the Period of 2015-20 : Click Here
Contact : Disaster Management and Relief Department
18-B, Civil Lines, Jaipur
Rajasthan India
Phone No : 0141-2227084
Email Id : relief-rj@nic.in
Website : www.dmrelief.rajasthan.gov.in
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