Rajasthan Agriculture Department
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Rajasthan has 342 thousand sq. Km area of total land area of India, which makes it the largest state of India. After the integration of all the different princely estates of Rajasthan, Rajasthan Agriculture Deapartment was established in 1949. In 1952 its expansion separated many departments such as Animal Husbandary Deapartment. By the 1955, a complete structure of Rajasthan Agriculture Department was established. With regards to Agriculture structure, the State is divided in 10 Agro Climate Zone, 33 Districts and 68 clusters (Sub Districts).
Objectives and Functions of DOA Rajasthan
- To achieve self-sufficiency in food production.
- To increase Agricultural production and income of farmers / farm labours.
- To promote sustainable use of Natural Resources such as Land and Water.
- To promote Soil Health Management and Integrated Nutrient Management.
- Promote Crop Diversification.
- Promote use of agricultural inputs based on recommendation of soil and water testing.
- To ensure availability and quality of agricultural inputs.
- Promote Organic Farming.
- To promote Integrated Pest – Disease Management system.
- To transfer modern agriculture technique developed by technical institutes and scientists.
- To promote agricultural mechanization to carryout agriculture operation timely.
- To promote mixed-intensive farming for increased employment opportunities and income per unit area.
- To develop scientific farming techniques for making agriculture more remunerative for farmers.
- To increase the production of certain agricultural commodities, so that raw material for industries is available for increased exports.
- To reduces cost of cultivation and strive for holistic development of farmer.
- Crop insurance to protect farmer against natural disasters and monsoon failure.
- To initiate programme that help to increase per capita incomes of farmer in back ward areas as well as for SC/ST.
- To promote women empowerment in agriculture.
- Organize training on various aspects of agro techniques for their mass dissemination.
- Quick and effective solutions of day to day problems of farmers.
DOA Rajasthan Important Links
Check Ciculars and Notice : Click Here
Rajasthan Agriculture Department Recruitment : Click Here
Check Shemes and Programmes : Click Here
For Weather / Crop Insurance : Click Here
Rajasthan State Agriculture Marketing Board
The role of Agriculture Marketing is crucial in post harvest technology of agriculture production. In the absence of remunerative prices of the producers, agriculture production gets a setback. In view of this, the State Government acknowledged the importance of regulated markets so as to ensure fair return to the farmers. With this purpose in mind the Government promulgated Rajasthan Agriculture Produce Market Act in the year 1961 which came into force in the year 1964.
They are also responsible for the general development of market yards by way of providing necessary amenities and facilities.
Functions of Rajasthan State Agriculture Marketing Board
The main purpose for the accomplishment of which the Board has been set up are summarised as follows :
- Construction of market yards and sub yards for transfer to market committees.
- Giving aid to financially weaker market committees in the form of loans and grants.
- Undertaking education and publicity in relation to matters of marketing of agricultural produce in the state.
- Grading and standardization of agricultural produce.
- Training of Officers and staff of market committees and to organize camps, workshop, seminars and conferences.
- To provide technical and administrative assistance to market committees; and
- To help the farmers in accidental cases.
- Any other purpose connected with agricultural marketing with prior approval of the State Govt.
- Development of post harvest technology and management activities.
- Export promotion of Agro-food commodities from Rajasthan.
- Promotion of Agri-food business in the Sate.
- Promotion of Value addition activities.
- Training programme of development of HRD in marketing sector.
Contact : Department of Agriculture (DOA)
Pant Krishi Bhawan, Janpath,
C-Scheme,Jaipur – 302 005(Rajasthan)
Phone No : 0141-2227089, 0141-2227365
Email Id : dir_agr@rediffmail.com
Website : http://agriculture.rajasthan.gov.in
Sir jaipur me polio house ki lottery kab tak khulegi
i want prociding of meeting dated 26.7.2018
खाद बीज लाइसेंस बनवा ना चाहता हुँ sir ji
Whether moong crop is being covered under Pradhan mantra Fasal Bima Yojna in Gharsana Tehsil of Ganganagar District
Good evening, Mr. Jagdish
We deal in organic pesticides n fertilizers in rajasthan and if you are interested in we would like to have you in our dealers. For further details
Contact @ pkmodi@ymail.com
Good morning sir, I am an ex-serviceman retired from Indian Navy after completion of 20 years of glorious service. I want to open a fertilizers and pesticides shop. i want to know minimum required qualification to obtain a licence or any procedure to obtain licence in Ex servicemen quota. thanks and regards
Hello Sir / Ma’am,
I am from.humangarh-Raj. And want to approach agriculture ministry to work in aspect of organic faming, standardizing agri products and soil quality and also to promote exports of agri-food comodity.
We deal with malaysian product of organic fertilizer and pesticides And these proved to be efficient in our local place where we supplied them.
I just need a conversation with the department for promotion.of my products as well as state welfare. I assure it will be a fruitful and worthy time giving meeting.
Hope my proposal will be considered and waiting for ur reply
sir plz tell me schemes of solar power plant by goverment. in agriculture land…
sir dist. wise crop sowing data 2017
who is mr Shankar G Beda in agcl.dept and what is his mob no pl.
none of the links indicated as above are available. I am interested in knowing any schemes for bio-fertilizers manufacturing to boost organic production in the state of rajasthan.
We want seed production licence in Rajasthan please inform the procedure
Kaushal vashistha
vashisthakaushal@Gmail. Com
Gypsum powder rate and subsidy.
i just wanted to know that is there any way to learn or training scheme regarding dairy farming in our rajasthan ?
raj ag supervisor vacancy 2017
Sir, Honey plant business ki training kaha se le please hep me
Dear Sir ,I want to know what are the schemes for SC/ST Farmers under which Govt. of Rajasthan or Govt. of India is helping by providing Subsidy etc. for development of Land, Irrigation,Electict connection,seeds,Fertilizer and housing/Toilet etc. And which are the nodal officers to whom we may contact or approach for getting the benifit of Govt. schemes. Specially in reference to Distt. -Bharatpur
dear sir
what is process of pesticides, seeds and fertilizer licence issue in jaipur
dear sir im intrsted of poly house farming 1000/sqr mtr nr pilani raj pls suggest